Retrospectives/Impactful Music

Where in Willer’s World Have I Been?

We’re back baby! Or should I say, BigBabyGucci’s arrived?

So, the last month has been a constant stream of fuckery. It’s kind of like having The Undertaker choke-slam you through a wooden table, and then just as you’re getting your balance again, his brother Kane mashes you over the back with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. It’s sucked seeing friends and family in various states of pain and distress, and because of that, I’ve been in a similar state. It says a lot about the last few weeks that I have felt absolutely zero interest in seeking out new music. That’s what I spend most of my brainpower doing, and I just couldn’t as of late.

But, the good news is that things have generally cleared up, at least to the point that I’ve allowed myself to consume and experience some new music, as well as some older, comfort food style tunes. So, with the clearance of the mental fog, and with the assistance of the true currency of the great state of Wisconsin, New Glarus’ Spotted Cow, and a spliff, let’s talk about some of the music I’ve been listening to lately.

BigBabyGucci- 1 Night I Took Acid and Assume The Worst

1 Night I Took Acid (YouTube Playlist)

Assume The Worst (YouTube Playlist)

For anyone that follows me on Instagram: Are you surprised?!?!?!

BigBabyGucci is the main focus of this piece, so I’ve been debating exactly how in depth I wanted to go. I could easily write one of my long form recommendations with the 19 tracks on these two projects. But instead, I think I want to describe it like this:

With the funk I’ve been in, feeling legitimate, pure excitement about anything has been nearly impossible. But, when I got stuck in this YouTube rabbit hole of HiveMind videos, (Check them out- they’re fucking great. I love those boys) I stumbled onto Gucci’s music. That was first with the Assume the Worst project, and then a few days later when 1 Night I Took Acid dropped.

With every song on both projects filled me with the excitement I haven’t been able to feel as of late. Every single track. It was immediate. Every song does something different, and you’ll pick out so many things to love. It could be BigBabyGucci’s performance, which can be laid back, drugged and slurred out, or energetic, confrontational and in your face. He sounds like a pop-star on some tracks, singing his heart out, drenched in an emotive auto-tune syrup. On others, he proves he can rap his ass off too, filling every single verse with this undeniable, propulsive energy. He’s funny, absurd, visceral, emotional, and vulnerable. His ear and choice of production is impeccable too. The beats can be cinematic and fuzzy or laid-back and breezy. They’ll hit just about every possible note in between those two worlds as well.

I could go on and on about every single song. I’ve had to have run up some fucking obscene play counts on these songs by now. I’m not lying when I say I am absolutely in love with these projects and am extremely excited to wade back through the rest of Gucci’s discography. Learning he makes these tracks in about 2o minutes and has only been making music for a few days makes it even more interesting and exciting to see where he goes. Everything feels organic and natural, and what he ends up creating is surprising every time.

If this is where he’s at already, it’s wild to think of where he can go. Oh, and yardy know I got one of the 100 limited CD’s of 1 Night I Took Acid. I told you, I fucking love this shit. I’d list off some favorite tracks, but I really think you just need to hear it all for yourself. They’re short projects. Come on, just do it. If you like em, it’s really easy to just run the whole thing back. BBG baby, join us.

(Here are two videos for two of these wonderful songs)

Here’s a few other new tracks I’ve stumbled across lately. I know I recommended 19 from BBG, so I’ll keep this section short. Luckily for you, I’ve barely been listening to shit else. It’s basically all shit that was produced by Kassgocrazy. This week’s recommendations come to you via the boys at HiveMind.

Sewerperson is another artist I’d recommend. “Thr333” is insane, and the Wooden Heart project he did with Kassgocrazy is fucking great. Kass’ Maison Gage EP is fantastic too. Seek out anything you can by him right now. His production is so left field and unique. More artists whose next steps could go in just about any direction, and I’ll absolutely be watching for those next steps.

sewerperson and Kassgocrazy- wooden heart

Kassgocrazy- Maison Gaige EP

Yeah, so, that’s it! Hopefully there’s some good shit in there for you all. This is all a little disjointed and unfocused, but life imitates art or art animates life or some shit, right? Let’s just say I’m using BigBabyGucci’s fifteen-twenty minutes policy. In and out. Quick and easy. I’m happy to have found some exciting, new music. It feels nice to feel nice. Love you all.